Asked to describe his music:
"...I guess a lot of alternative influences, but also the big classic rock artists of the 70s and 80s... T-Rex, Bowie.. and of the grunge and industrial stuff like NIN, Silverchair, Manson. I go out of my way to make my music rough and indie. Can't tell you enough how much I hate all the perfectly produced and auto-tuned sounds of today. My beats are a little irregular, some pitch here and there.. but leave it that way. Otherwise it's not longer art, if it ever is haha..."

ERIK Careswell is a self-produced, self-engineered internet recording artist. Recording out of his home studio, he performs every track on every one of the more than 500 songs he's written. He does not own auto-tune, and believes music should express the artist, not the engineer or producer or label.
"..It may be a little grainy or pitchy or uneven.. but it's all me!.."
ERIK Careswell is from a long family lineage of performers, singers, actors, back to the old Vaudeville days. He developed an interest in music at a very young age, and began learning various instruments. As a teenager he discovered songwriting and, has since, written over 500 original songs.
In and out of various bands over the years, his love of music eventually led him to start producing his own cds. With the advent of the internet, and sites like My Space and MP3.COM popping out, he was able to become one of the very first internet celebrities. His 1st single Undone shot up the charts at MP3.COM, landing him in the company of Avril Lavigne and Alannis Morrisette!
Soon MySpace noticed his music as well, and ERIK's next and most successful CD A Road Less Travelled landed the single Emerging as the 1st track of their official Podcast.
Since then, his music has found it's way onto US television series' like Dante's Cove and The Lair , as well as films, like the controversial documentary Hybristophilia.
​ERIK has released 4 cds so far: Flawed, Freak Of Nature, A Road Less Travelled, and engines, and i2 currently at work on the next 2 projects A Mindless Pop Dirge and Sexodus!